Contact us

Here you can find information on how to get in touch with URLfilterDB.


For support for our products, please refer to our support pages or use the support form to contact our support desk directly.

Trial License

60-day free trials are avaliable when you request a trial license.

Quotes and Payments

If you would like a quote, please refer to our quote request page.
Payments are accepted in EURO or US Dollar.  Payment conditions are given in the Terms of Contract.

Other questions and comments

For all other questions and comments, you can reach us at:

URLfilterDB B.V.
Spechtlaan 31
6865 BA   Doorwerth
The Netherlands

URLfilterDB B.V. is a Dutch company with VAT registration number NL805389957B02 and registered at the Chambers of Commerce with registration number 24270951.


Alternatively, you can send us a message using the form below.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

URLfilterDB does not reply to messages with an anonymous email address from gmail, outlook or any other free mail provider. Please use an email address of the institution that you represent.
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Enter the code without spaces and pay attention to upper/lower case.